Wordpress login and login form with woocomerce [closed]


Registration and login form in Wordpress 4.7 with woocomerce 2.6.11 does not work with the theme Bookshelf | Books & Media Online Store.

Note: The customer registration giving access to your restricted area only occurs after a request has been completed but after logout it can not access your restricted area through the Login menu.

asked by anonymous 11.01.2017 / 00:20

1 answer


Not all WP themes are compatible with woocommerce and some of which are, have to be configured / structured to work properly.

Sometimes when we change the theme, the structure of the site is changed by config. standard of the new theme.

If you can, switch to a default theme (storefront type) and see if the site works and is complete. Then you can compare the two.

11.01.2017 / 00:43