How do I get the value of Variables Separately from PHP?


This is the Ajax code


        url: "VerificarPerson.php",
        type: "POST",
        data: {
            'metodo': $('#metodo').val(),
            'idp': $('#idp').val(),
            'personName': $('#personName').val()
        alert(data); // <------------------------------------------------



and This is PHP

    if(strcasecmp('Teste', $_POST['metodo']) == 0){
        $html1 = $_POST['personName'];
        $html2 = $_POST['personName2'];
        echo $html1; /


Well I wanted to show the two variables type alert('html1') and then alert('html2') type does anyone know how?

asked by anonymous 14.02.2016 / 20:16

1 answer


You can use JSON, it's your friend.



In Javascript / JQuery you will need to declare some things, first the dataType and then create a loop to read all data from JSON .

dataType: "json",

for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {



PHP also needs to exit in JSON, so use json_encode() , but make what you want in a array() , that way you will have more than one data.


        $html[] = $_POST['personName'];
        $html[] = $_POST['personName2'];
        // Este [] irá tornar o html em uma array
        // Será: array('personName', 'personName2');

        echo json_encode($html);
        // Irá sair: ["personName","personName2"]
        // Que será lido pelo data[i] no Javascript

14.02.2016 / 20:36