Convert Double to Integer


I'd like the value of "trees to reset" to appear with no point, nor zeros. In the situation below appears "180.0000000" and should appear "180". It is of type TextView , and would like it to appear in the Integer type. I have already tried to convert using the method Double , of class Format , but nothing solved so far

asked by anonymous 12.10.2018 / 04:27

3 answers


See if this example helps you.

double pi = 3.14159;
int i = (int)pi;
12.10.2018 / 04:51

I have already tried to convert using the method Format , of class String

That also works, as does the @RenanOsorio answer.

Using String.format " only needs to set the formatter as %.0f to display without any decimal places:

double arvoresRepor = ...;
TextView textArvoresRepor = findViewById(...);

textArvoresRepor.setText(String.format("%.0f", arvoresRepor));
12.10.2018 / 12:25

You can use NumberFormat and onCreate() you initialize and configure it, and then use that object to format the numbers. For example:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    NumberFormat f;

    public void onCreate() {

    f = NumberFormat.getNumberInstace();
    f.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); //No máximo 2 casas decimais

    //Inicialização da sua TextView e outros códigos...

    textArvoresRepor.setText(f.format(arvoresRepor)); //definindo o texto e formatando o mesmo.



Detail: The NumberFormat is of the java.text package; So you'll have to import it.

13.10.2018 / 09:25