How to create a tree with n children by node? [closed]


I would like to know how to implement a tree where each node can have n children?

As in the example below:

Only in this case would nodes be an instance of a class.


I'm trying to do this with a ArrayList , but I'm not understanding how to insert a ArrayList within a ArrayList in a recursive or interactive way even though the tree has no defined limit.

Example: How to insert and get the value 7? Type will have ArrayList pro in root (8) and will have ArrayList pro first node of root node (4).

asked by anonymous 30.03.2018 / 01:12

1 answer


I'm trying to do this with a ArrayList , but I'm not understanding how to insert a ArrayList within a ArrayList in a recursive or interactive way even though the tree has no defined limit.

This is not what you should do. This is a XY problem .

Java is an object-oriented language. Keeping recursive lists of numbers is not an object-oriented way of attacking your problem. This means that this approach probably will not work. If you can get it to work, the result will be a good gambiarra.

The best way would be to see what objects are involved in this:

  • You have a Arvore .

  • The Arvore has a% root%.

  • Each No can have several other No s below it.

  • Each No stores an integer.

  • Turning these four requirements into code:

    public class Arvore {
        private No raiz;
    import java.util.List;
    public class No {
        private int conteudo;
        private List<No> filhos;

    Ok, now that we have the general structure of our classes, let's define some methods and constructors:

    public class Arvore {
        private No raiz;
        public Arvore(int conteudoRaiz) {
            this.raiz = new No(conteudoRaiz);
        public No getRaiz() {
            return raiz;
        public No buscar(int procurado) {
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class No {
        private int conteudo;
        private List<No> filhos;
        public No(int conteudo) {
            this.filhos = new ArrayList<>();
            this.conteudo = conteudo;
        public No acrescentarFilho(int conteudoFilho) {
            No n = new No(conteudoFilho);
            return n;
        public int getConteudo() {
            return conteudo;
        public List<No> getFilhos() {
            return filhos;
        public No buscar(int procurado) {
            if (procurado == conteudo) return this;
            for (No filho : filhos) {
                No achou = filho.buscar(procurado);
                if (achou != null) return achou;
            return null;

    You can go adding other methods to accomplish the jobs you want, but the point here is that you have to have well defined what each thing is. Saying that a tree is a list or that a tree node is a list just leaves things complicated and confusing and probably will not work. Ideally, the tree has a root node, that a node has a list of other nodes. Note that the verb is important: the and concept concept completely changes the way you structure your code.

    30.03.2018 / 05:19