Good evening, I'm having a problem executing a sql command through an ASP application.
The command is this:
strSql = " INSERT INTO movimento_tef_nsu ( "&_
" identificador "&_
" ,nsu_sitef "&_
" ,valor "&_
" ,ordem_cartao "&_
" ,data_hora "&_
" ,texto_comprovante "&_
" ) "&_
" VALUES ( "&_
" '" &"identificador") & "' "&_
" ," & this.item("nsu") &_
" ," & this.item("valor") &_
" ," & this.item("ordem_cartao") &_
" ,'" & this.item("data_hora") & "' " &_
" ,LEFT('" & this.item("texto_comprovante") & "', 255) "&_
" ) "
I have already checked that the values (which are coming via JSON), are correct, as I write to a Log before executing the command.
The error that occurs is as follows:
"An unspecified error occurred! Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, error '80040e14' Syntax error or access violation"
I also checked that the values are coming according to the type and size of the fields in the database, so if I get the query that is in the log and run in sql management, it works normally.
Does anyone have a suggestion of what this error might be?