HTML Testing (DOM) with Jasmine or another framework


How do I test HTML with Jasmine? I know there is a guy named jquery-jasmine.js who does this but I have no idea how to install it because npm does not work when I try to install it (it says that Git may be in trouble, but all other plugins work very well when trying to install). So, if you use jasmine, could you tell me how to test HTML with it? Or if you use another testing framework that works with the DOM too, could you tell me?

Thank you!

EDIT: I use AngularJS and, having an element with the ng-model="nome" attribute and a <label id='replicaNome'>{{nome}}</label> label, I would like to do the following test: Any value that is written in ng-model="name" must be replicated in the label, something like this :

it('Teste de mudança de HTML no projeto', function () {

Thank you!

asked by anonymous 13.10.2014 / 22:29

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