The list of HTML changes% with% stop 5.1
is a bit extensive, but it is documented, including showing the compatibility between browsers for each new implementation. You can see the complete list here: link
The List is divided into 3 parts. Changed Resources , Removed Resources and Deployment Resources .
ThisisjustacoupleoftheDocumentedChanges,Seetherestofthelink: link
to<body><pclass="azul">Texto azul!</p>
.azul { color: #0000FF; }
) can be entered into <h1>
elements of forms.
What becomes obsolete or invalid with HTML 5.2
The <h6>
element previously used to generate public keys in forms has been removed from the specifications.
The elements <legend>
and <keygen>
are no longer part of the HTML specifications. They were used until then for creating navigation menus or context.
From now on, the <menu>
element can only contain <menuitem>
elements as valid children. That is, elements of types <p>
, inline
or inline-block
can no longer be nested inside a inline-table
element in a semantically valid way.
Exited HTML 5.2
The elements block
, <p>
and <keygen>
Attribute inputmode for elements <menu>
and attributes of <menuitem>
Method <text>
The Plugin API has been marked as deprecated .
The following constructs are now valid in HTML 5.2:
Use of the dropzone
element within the showModalDialog
Multiple elements <style>
no <body>
, as long as only one is visible to the user.
Possible to have a <main>
element as the child of a DOM
Headers within an element <div>
in a <dl>
Source 1:
Source 2: link
Version 5.1: This is the list of implementations of <legend>
Version 5.3 Draft : List of drafts of <fieldset