What's new between HTML5.2 and HTML5?


According to Wikipedia in the HTML topic , you can see the following HTML version table and their respective years:

Enteringthe HTML5 topic on the same site, just says:


This new version brings with it important changes in the role of the   HTML in the Web world, through new features such as semantics   and accessibility. Enables the use of new features before possible   only with the application of other technologies. Its essence has been   improve language with support for the latest multimedia,   while keeping it easily readable by humans and   consistently understood by computers and other devices   (browsers, parsers etc).

That is, it is a generic description of version 5 of HTML, but I did not find anything about version subdivisions (5.1 and 5.2).

My question is - aside from version 5.1 -, what does version 5.2 bring back to the initial 5 version of HTML?

asked by anonymous 09.12.2018 / 07:50

1 answer


The list of HTML changes% with% stop 5.1 is a bit extensive, but it is documented, including showing the compatibility between browsers for each new implementation. You can see the complete list here: link

The List is divided into 3 parts. Changed Resources , Removed Resources and Deployment Resources .

ThisisjustacoupleoftheDocumentedChanges,Seetherestofthelink: link


  • Anewwaytodobusiness:OfallthenewfeaturesimplementedwiththenewHTMLversion,theintroductionofthe5.2elementisbyfarthemostinteresting.


  • PaymentsAPIsin<dialog><h2>Cabeçalhodomodal</h2><p>Conteúdodomodal,podendoincluirtexto,imagens,links,vídeosetc.</p></dialog>

  • Stylesinthebodyofthepage:Althoughstyledefinitionsareusuallyenteredinthedocuments,HTML5.2makesitpossibletodefinestyleswithinthe<main>elementaswell,althoughW3Citselfrecommendpractice.


  • Headersincaptions:FromHTML5.2,headers(<body>to<body><pclass="azul">Texto azul!</p> <style> .azul { color: #0000FF; } </style> </body> ) can be entered into <h1> elements of forms.

  • What becomes obsolete or invalid with HTML 5.2

The <h6> element previously used to generate public keys in forms has been removed from the specifications.

The elements <legend> and <keygen> are no longer part of the HTML specifications. They were used until then for creating navigation menus or context.

From now on, the <menu> element can only contain <menuitem> elements as valid children. That is, elements of types <p> , inline or inline-block can no longer be nested inside a inline-table element in a semantically valid way.


Exited HTML 5.2

The elements block , <p> and <keygen> . Attribute inputmode for elements <menu> and attributes of <menuitem> . Method <text> . The Plugin API has been marked as deprecated .


The following constructs are now valid in HTML 5.2:

Use of the dropzone element within the showModalDialog element.
Multiple elements <style> no <body> , as long as only one is visible to the user.
Possible to have a <main> element as the child of a DOM element.
Headers within an element <div> in a <dl> >.

Source 1:

Source 2: link

Version 5.1: This is the list of implementations of <legend> link

Version 5.3 Draft : List of drafts of <fieldset link

09.12.2018 / 13:40