Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach () in C: \ wamp \ www \ office \ init.php on line 111


Next, I'll first explain my situation:

I have a file named lib.php which has several functions and classes, and I load it into every php file.

In this file I have the body () function, which I call just after the <body> tag in every file, it returns the html of a header and calls the file init.php, which does the following:

  • Inside it has an array with a list of all files within the project folder

  • Take this list and check for missing files

  • scans all folders and subfolders and checks for any unlisted files

  • However, there is also an array that contains folders that are not to be scanned. So far everything beauty, I have tested this file numerous times accessing it directly, caused some intentional errors and it detected legal, played the log on the screen, etc. by accessing

    However, when I call this file inside the body () function of the lib.php file, it gives a very strange error:


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach () in C: \ wamp \ www \ office \ init.php on line 111

    Here's the body () code in lib.php:

    function body(){
        $return = '';
            require 'init.php';
            $return .= '<b>
                <font color="red">
            <br />
            Detectado por function body() em lib.php';
        // resto da função
        return $return; // ele imprime esse retorno usando echo body();

    Here is the code that is giving error in init.php:

    $list   = array(); //lista de arquivos
    $list[] = 'C:/wamp/www/oficina/img/bt_Lembrete.png';
    $list[] = 'C:/wamp/www/oficina/img/bt_lembreteNew.png'; // muitos outros arquivos
    $noScann    = array(); // pastas para não escanear
    $noScann[]  = 'C:/wamp/www/oficina/noScann';
    $noScann[]  = 'C:/wamp/www/oficina/js/lib/ui';
    $noScann[]  = '.';
    $noScann[]  = '..';
    function scan($dir){
        global $noScann;
        var_dump($noScann); // VAR_DUMP ******************
        $files = array();
        $d = dir($dir);
        while(($entry = $d->read()) !== false){
            $continue = false;
            foreach($noScann as $arq){ // ERRO NESSA LINHA ***********
                if($d->path.$entry == $arq || $entry == $arq){
                    $continue = true;
                $files[] = $d->path.$entry.'/';
                $files = array_merge($files, scan($d->path.$entry.'/'));
                $files[] = $d->path.$entry;
        return $files;
    var_dump($noScann); // VAR_DUMP ******************
    // Resto do arquivo irrelevante

    The problem is in the noScann variable, which is where I declare folders to not scan. As you can see, it's an array, and I create it out of the function, and within the function I call it with global $ noScann .

    The var_dump inside the function always returns null, and outside the function returns the right values, it's as if I had not called it inside the function as global.

    If it was a normal mistake I would not even have asked for help, I researched a lot but did not find it. What I find very strange is that it only gives this error when I call the file inside the body () function of lib.php, and when I access the file directly ( link ) it does not give any errors, it works perfectly.

    Thank you in advance for any attempt to help me. Note: First post aq in stackoverflow, anything wrong correct me

    asked by anonymous 14.09.2015 / 15:17

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