Is it possible to execute a page that is within my dir
, within a modal without IFrame
and ajax
? If so, how would I do it? At the moment my pages would have this path: ../../GEN/asp/pagina.asp?parâmetros=
This would be my modal:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>
Below is my current jquery function, which is not working properly.
var dialog = $("#dialog");
var openModal = $("#btnLupa");
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
dialog.load(function () {
var AbrirModal = function (url, title, width, height) {
dialog.dialog("option", "width", width);
dialog.dialog("option", "height", height);
dialog.dialog("option", "title", title);
dialog.attr("src", url);
This is my current call to the jquery function
<img id='btnLupa' style='display:; cursor:hand' name='Pesquisa_Contrato' width='16' height='16' src='/gen/mid/lupa.gif' border='0' alt='Pesquisa Contrato' onclick='AbrirModal("http://amlsp1844/GEN/ASP/GEN0001a.asp?ind_situacao=&tipo_empresa=&ind_classificacao=&p_cod_tipo_contrato=&indsubmit=false&txt_nome_campo_cod=num_contrato&txt_nome_campo_cod_ts=cod_ts_contrato&txt_nome_campo_desc=nome_contrato&ind_tipo_pessoa=J&funcao_executar=PesquisaContratoMontaFilial();&abre_modal=N&ind_alteracao_contrato=&tipo_preco=", "Pesquisa Contrato", 480, 360)'>
This is what I have now, but I can throw things out loud and redo new things, but I have no idea. With IFrame
is giving stick and would like to leave IFrame