Back button on pages with LazyLoad


I need to solve a problem that happens on the mobile site I work on.

In a page listing 4 items are displayed at a time, when the page is rolled to the end an AJAX returns 4 more, and so on (pagination is done by hash in the url). When clicked on some item the user is directed to the details page of that item. If the user clicks the back button ( <a href="javascript:window.history.back(-1)"></a> ) it is directed to the listing page for the point where it stopped, but some uploads happen until it reaches that point.

-User is on the listing page and rolled the page until loading 3 times. Home -Click on an item and go to details page.
-Click the back button and go to the previous page.
-The page scrolls to the end and loads, rolls again and loads, this until you get to the point where the user stopped.

Can you get the user to the exact point where they stopped without successive uploads?

asked by anonymous 28.01.2016 / 20:40

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