I'm doing for study purposes, a way to fetch and bring vehicle information from the api's direct fipe table ( link ) . What I can not do at first is to execute the URL passing parameters. For example:
I need to request the list of vehicle brands according to type, passing the type of vehicle (car, motorcycle or truck). I made a combobox with these options to be chosen by the user and stored in a variable of type 'Object'.
Object tipoSelecionado = cmbTipo.SelectedItem;
Now what I do not know is the url: link pass in the field [type] the variable ' tipoSelecionado
' and store the result in Json in the array ' Marcas
public class Marcas
public string key { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string id { get; set; }
public string fipe_name { get; set; }
Thank you in advance.