Encrypting / Decrypting strings with Delphi


For the sake of knowledge, I would like to create my own very complex function for encrypting and decrypting program strings.

I got this piece of code from the internet s1[1] := Char((Byte(s1[1]) shl 4) or (Byte(s1[1]) shr 4)); . It is used to decrypt the string, if I understood correctly what it does is to shift 4 bit left or right and then convert the byte to char. With this statement I tried to reverse the encryption.

I tried to convert each character to ascii / hexa and shift 4 bit right / left with shr and shl but the result was never what was expected.

Could Aguem fix or show what the encrypter of this code would look like?

asked by anonymous 21.07.2016 / 21:40

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