Sending ArrayList and General value to another Activity


I'm creating an Activity, for example A and in it I have to add data from Launches (This class I Serialized), like name, type, etc ... and I'm also adding the updated general value on the screen and got the list, where I will list all releases and oh that my only problem lives ...

How do I send array to this activity ? And when I return to the main screen I will need the list again and the overall value ...

asked by anonymous 05.10.2016 / 22:32

1 answer


You can do this:

  Intent it = new Intent(this, proximaAcvitivity.class);
  it.putExtra("dadosC", vetorConta);  

The example was seen at this link: link

For in the back does not reload list, will not have to call the method that recharges. Your screen will remain the same before you have changed activity.

06.10.2016 / 04:51