ASP.NET MVC Reports in PDF and EXCEL


Good afternoon, I would like to get references about better reporting tools in an MVC application that allow me to export the result to PDF and EXCEL.

Currently, I'm creating a VIEW, filling a MODEL with the data, and making it possible to export the view to PDF using the ROTARY component.

But I found this work to be very time-consuming, and frankly, I have doubts if this is the best way to encode a report in the MVC framework.

I checked the options in this post: Reports with Asp.Net MVC

But none of the alternatives works with excel.

I also noticed that it is still possible to use RDLC in MVC, in this link: link

But I can not add RDLC files in my project. I do not have Report templates in my visual studio.

I have already installed ReportViewerForMVC in my project, but I still have no RDLC templates.

asked by anonymous 05.10.2016 / 16:27

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