Remove element within iframe



I have an Iframe that has an image and I would like to remove it, but it is not working ...

  $( document).ready(function() { 


If I inspect the image and paste the .hide () line on the console, it hides. If I do not inspect the image and paste, nothing happens as well as when I load the page

Any suggestions?

Thank you

asked by anonymous 30.11.2016 / 22:28

1 answer


Try the following. I put a setTimeOut to be more visible

setTimeout(function(){ $("img[src='/assets/online/cf_logo-9733d198a764182fc89bc38518f73f91efd7a413394b1ca263e8ba4774ed8b5b.png']").hide();; }, 4000);
<script src=""></script>
<img src='/assets/online/cf_logo-9733d198a764182fc89bc38518f73f91efd7a413394b1ca263e8ba4774ed8b5b.png'/>
30.11.2016 / 22:36