Pass Token by the header to each request AngularJS (Authorization)


I have the interface-factory.js file that is my factory

app.factory('interfaceAPI', function ($http) {

var _getInterface = function () {
    return $http.get("/api/interfaceapi/getall");

var _postInterface = function (objeto) {
    return $"/api/interfaceapi/post", objeto);

var _deleteInterface = function (Id) {
    return $http.delete("/api/interfaceapi/delete/" + Id);

return {
    getInterface: _getInterface,
    postInterface: _postInterface,
    deleteInterface: _deleteInterface


The token is already being generated and being saved from the localStorage, I would like to know how to pass the token on the header of each request.

asked by anonymous 16.03.2017 / 14:53

2 answers


The solution to the problem is you:

var myToken = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('token'));
$http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = myToken.token_type + ' ' + myToken.access_token;

you just put the code above:

var _getInterface = function () {

    return $http.get("/api/interfaceapi/getall");

var _postInterface = function (objeto) {
    return $"/api/interfaceapi/post", objeto);

var _deleteInterface = function (Id) {
    return $http.delete("/api/interfaceapi/delete/" + Id);

return {
    getInterface: _getInterface,
    postInterface: _postInterface,
    deleteInterface: _deleteInterface


16.03.2017 / 18:33

To set the authorization header, simply do the following:

$http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + token;

If this is the case, just change 'Basic' to 'Bearer' or leave only the token, depending on the authentication method you are using.


The header must be set before the request is sent. For example:

var _getInterface = function () {
    var myToken = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('token'));
    $http.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = myToken.token_type + myToken.access_token;
    return $http.get("/api/interfaceapi/getall");

Assuming that myToken.token_type is the token type and myToken.access_token is the token itself.

16.03.2017 / 15:11