Questions tagged as 'token'


What is and what is JWT for?

I saw in some comment here on the site, in some question, talking about JWT to solve an authentication problem. I had seen the term loosely before and I thought it was something Java (hehehe). However, by looking at , I realize...
asked by 26.09.2016 / 18:24

How to send Tokens from the server to the client?

I am creating an API, I use Token Authentication (JWT), I want this token to be valid for, say, 10 minutes, and, at each request, return a new Token, so the user will have access while active , if it is disconnected for a long time (more than 10...
asked by 17.09.2018 / 22:51

What are refresh token, access tokens, and grant type?

I was researching about security in REST APIs and found the terms refresh tokens, access tokens, and grant type by referring to how tokens and how the client requests the features What are they and what are their differences?     
asked by 29.10.2018 / 18:10

What is Access Token? What's the use?

What exactly is an Access Token? What is an Access Token in an API application? I would like a response to Node.js, but I believe that API creation exists in several languages, so I do not think it is necessary to be just for JavaScrip...
asked by 24.01.2017 / 02:36

How to Generate Secure Tokens Dynamically

Misc applications use token authentication to securely communicate on the network. However, using dynamically generated tokens, the likelihood of it breaking significantly decreases. So here's the question: How to dynamically generate dynamic to...
asked by 22.02.2017 / 13:15

How does Django create and verify tokens to reset password?

Given a template to reset password already implemented by Django, in the following views: django.contrib.auth.password_reset django.contrib.auth.password_reset_done django.contrib.auth.password_reset_confirm django.contrib.auth.passwor...
asked by 07.06.2016 / 13:42

How to access a specific header from an http response?

I have a Rest API in Java, which makes use of JWT to authenticate users and generate tokens to access their resources. I have an application in AngularJS, which should consume these resources, but I must first request a token in the API. I would...
asked by 26.08.2017 / 14:01

Local Storage or Cookie, where is it better to store an authorization token?

We have a project and we will use token de autorização , we are using AngularJs for front end and back we develop in Java using Spring Framework and Spring Security , and send token header ....
asked by 28.10.2016 / 13:05

Where and how do I save the API's authentication token?

Hello, I'm having an angled application, which will consume a API . For this to happen, I must send POST to another API , which serves only to generate a token that I will pass on all other requests. My question is this...
asked by 03.05.2018 / 15:49


Is anyone here able to use A3 type certificate for a WEBAPI? Because when I test it in debug (ie, local), everything works normal. But if I compile, and put in the IIS application, it keeps returning to me that there is no certificate. Has an...
asked by 29.12.2015 / 14:28