how to leave the div fixed in a location


I wanted to know how do I do for the div not to break the layout I have the following problem when I open a reply to a comment it opens below this comment but was to stay on the side or something like





                   <div class='fl-right resposta'>Responder<input type='hidden' value='<?=$big[id] ?>' name='idcoment'>
                   <div class=' resp' style='display:none'>
                       <form method='post'><textarea></textarea>  

                           <input class='btn btn-green' type='submit' value='responder' name='responder'>

asked by anonymous 13.03.2017 / 17:31

1 answer


I applied your style, and it worked here. I checked that the div is closed with one more

.menu {
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.user .subacao p {
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.sem {
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.points {
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.ocult {
  display: none;


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.channels p {
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.about {
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.img_about {
  width: 150px !important;
  height: 100px;


.exibir_desc {
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.desc p {
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div.hRule {
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div.hRule hr {
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/* Paginação */

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/* Viwer */

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.resposta:hover {
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a {
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/* Espacamento */

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/* minimo heigth*/

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/* Notificações */

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.notif a {
  background: none !important;

/* Notificação */

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.img_notif {
  position: relative

.acao_foto {
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.notif_fundo {
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width: 60%;

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width: 40px !important;
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width: 100px !important;
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width: 200px !important;
height: 100px;
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width: 60% !important;

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width: 110% !important;
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width: 250% !important;
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width: 40px;
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width: 100px;
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width: 200px !important;
height: 100px;

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width: 320% !important;
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width: 40px;
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height: 100px;

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display: none;
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width: 40px;
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width: 100px;
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width: 200px !important;
height: 100px;

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margin-left: 0%;
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margin-left: -15%;

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width: 100%;
margin-left: 0%;
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margin-left: 80%;
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width: 90% !important;

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width: 200px !important;
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width: 100px;
font-size: 10px;
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margin-top: 8px;
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margin-left: 8%;
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width: 40% !important;
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margin-top: 8px;
<div class="comentando">
  <p>comentario 1</p>

<div class="comentando">
  <p>comentario 2</p>

<div class="comentando">
  <p>comentario 3</p>

<div class=' resp' style=''>
  <form method='post'>
<textarea>Minha resposta</textarea>
<input class='btn btn-green' type='submit' value='responder' name='responder'>
13.03.2017 / 17:50