how to get the return of an array sent by a datatable ajax?


I'm using datatables to show data from my table ... and in it I need to do some custom custom filters. I basically, until then, I'm sending the request as follows:

 $('#btnFiltro').on( 'click', function () {   // for text boxes
      var dados = new Array();
      $('#frmReportPartners').find(":text:visible,:checkbox:checked,select:visible").each(function(v) {
         dados[v] = $(this).val();

Now, after that send, what form should I use to be able to retrieve and handle such submitted information, since a record only, I get like this:

if(!empty($requestData['columns'][10]['search']['value'])) {
    $sql .= " AND data_de_aluguel LIKE '" . $requestData['columns'][10]['search']['value'] . "%'";
asked by anonymous 12.04.2017 / 21:35

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