Ionic1 + input [type = file] does not work; How does it work?


In my project, there is an input of type file that in chrome works correctly, in Ios did not test and in Android the input does not work.

Is there a Cordova plugin that will make the input file work or some javascript solution that works?

asked by anonymous 18.04.2017 / 22:12

1 answer


Depends on the type of files you want to allow the user to choose.

input type='file' should work for iOS, but only allows you to choose images from the user gallery. For Android, only with the Cordova plugin-camera (it allows the user to access his gallery of images).

The plugin-camera documentation is here .

However, if you want to allow the user to select any type of file, the Cordova plugin-file (whose documentation is located here ) should work.

24.04.2017 / 20:51