I have done a function to insert the data into the database, however as I am using classes, I have to insert an object of class into the database that will contain the data of the person in question, except that the form being passed the object It's wrong, because it's not a string, I think if I convert it to a string it will save the bank line that needs to be modified. I'm sure it's only the last one, please help me if you have the availability to contact skype with curse cmg, it would be better, because I would learn more, it's very important for me, I'm doing my completion work and I need a help.
include ('Pessoa.class.php');
include ('funcao_inserir.php');
$nome = $_REQUEST['nome'];
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
$numero_cartao_sus =$_REQUEST['numerodosus'];
$cpf = $_REQUEST['cpf'];
$rg = $_REQUEST["rg"];
$nomesocial = $_REQUEST["nomesocial"];
$nascimento = $_REQUEST["nascimento"];
$sexo = $_REQUEST["sexo"];
$pis_pasep = $_REQUEST["pis_pasep"];
$nome_mae = $_REQUEST["nome_mae"];
$nacionalidade = $_REQUEST["nacionalidade"];
$pais_nascimento = $_REQUEST["pais_nascimento"];
$municipio_nascimento =$_REQUEST["municipio_nascimento"];
$estado_nascimento =$_REQUEST["estado_nascimento"];
$telefone =$_REQUEST["telefone"];
$estado_civil =$_REQUEST["estado_civil"];
$orientacao_sexual =$_REQUEST["orientacao_sexual"];
$pessoa = new Pessoa();
inserir(array("nome","email"), $pessoa,"dados");