I'm using the class SlidingTabLayout normally.
But I would like you to change the color by selecting the item or the fragment
The slidingTabLayout settings I'm making are those in onCreate
slidingTabLayout.setCustomTabView( R.layout.tab_view, R.id.text_item_tab );
slidingTabLayout.setDistributeEvenly( true );
slidingTabLayout.setSelectedIndicatorColors(ContextCompat.getColor( this, R.color.colorTabIndicator ));
slidingTabLayout.setViewPager( viewPager );
Within the method populateTabStrip
I added a few lines and nothing:
private void populateTabStrip() {
/* resto do código */
int color = ContextCompat.getColor( tabView.getContext(), R.color.colorTabIndicator );
tabTitleView.setTextColor( color );