Error trying to validate field with required="required"


I'm trying to validate my fields with required="required", in several modalities, it happens that the page has tabs, and when I try to use required="required", nor does the modal open (remembering that the fields I need validation, are textbox, and dropdownlist), the following error appears:


An invalid form control with name = '' is not focusable.

From what I understand, he is trying to validate the hidden elements. I needed him to validate the elements of the modal that is open, not all of the elements at once. I researched a lot on the subject, tried several alternatives, one of them was this code in the form that did not work:

<form name="myform" novalidate>

How can I validate the field in a modal with required? All the modes I found that say they work, did not work.

asked by anonymous 15.08.2017 / 22:41

1 answer


If you have the bootstrap you can try with the bootstrap valitier You have an example of a form in the documentation


16.08.2017 / 03:55