Query unique (dynamic) or personalized?


I'm developing a system and am trying to simplify my life with basic querys of insert and update , and I came across a question:


Should I create a query for each case, or one that meets all   cases, and do they have the same logic?

The querys that I have developed are these:

//$nome_tabela  : nome da tabela sem o 'tb_'
//$info         : vetor ordenado de informações a serem inseridas          
//obs.: os indices do vetor devem ser o nome do respectivo campo
//      sem o '_tabela'
private function pdo_cadastro($nome_tabela, $info) {

    //montagem da query dinâmica
    $cont_param = 0;
    $sql = "INSERT INTO tb_$nome_tabela(";

    foreach ($info as $index => $key) {
        $sql .= $index . "_" . $nome_tabela . ", ";
        $cont_param += 1;

    $sql = substr_replace($sql, "", -2);
    $sql .= ") VALUES (";

    for ($i = 0; $i < $cont_param; $i++) {
        $sql .= "?,";

    $sql = substr_replace($sql, "", -1);
    $sql .= ")";

    //execução da query
    try {
        $prepara = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);

        $controle = 1;
        foreach ($info as $index => $key) {
            $prepara->bindParam($controle, $info[$index], PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $controle += 1;

    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";

//$nome_tabela  : nome da tabela sem o 'tb_'
//$info         : vetor ordenado de informações a serem inseridas          
//$campo_id     : nome do campo do código identificador
//obs.: os indices do vetor devem ser o nome do respectivo campo
//      sem o '_tabela'
private function pdo_edit($nome_tabela, $info, $campo_id) {

    //montagem da query dinâmica
    $cont_param = 0;
    $sql = "UPDATE tb_$nome_tabela SET ";

    foreach ($info as $index => $key) {
            $sql .= $index . "_" . $nome_tabela . " = ?, ";
            $cont_param += 1;

    $sql = substr_replace($sql, "", -2);
    $sql .= " WHERE ". $campo_id . "_" . $nome_tabela . " = ?" ;

    try {
        $prepara = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);

        $controle = 1;
        foreach ($info as $index => $key) {
            $prepara -> bindParam($controle, $info[$index], PDO::PARAM_INT);
            $controle += 1;

        $prepara -> execute();

    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        print "Error!: " . $e -> getMessage() . "<br/>";


I report everything I need on the call, telling me that the forms were built following the names of the columns in the DB. With this plus the table name and the ID field ( id in my case e.g. id_cliente AUTO-INCREMENT PRIMARY ), I can perform these actions with only these two functions.

Is this a good practice or should I actually do one for each case?

asked by anonymous 16.08.2017 / 15:40

1 answer


Friend, I do not know if I understood very well what you want, but it seems that what you need is a persistent class with the database that already has the predefined methods where you use it in a simple way whenever you need it.

In case of this, I advise you to search for "CRUD" which means (Create = INSERT, READ = SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE) nothing less than you create a class with all the methods needed to work with the database.

Currently there are several ready-made tools that save you this work called #, I will list the ones I know (Doctrine ORM, Eloquent ORM, ADOdb Active Record) but there are a lot more than that and maybe you can find some can please you, I say this because to build a relationship with the database consistently effective requires a lot of work and dedication.

If you are interested in learning more about it, search for more about CRUD a> and ORM that will help you very.

In my time of learning I started with something simpler to understand more about CRUD and the PDO class (because it has many important security features that are worth learning).


Configuration file: (Config.php)

 * Definição do BD
 define('HOST', 'localhost');
 define('USER', 'root');
 define('PASS', '');
 define('BD', 'data_bdTeste');
 define('DSN', 'mysql:host='.HOST.';dbname='.BD);

Connection File: (DBO.php)

class Dbo
 * ---------------------------------
 *  Atributo de acesso à conexão
 *   estabelecida pelo sistema
 * ---------------------------------
 * @var $conn type arrayObject()
static protected $conn;

 * -------------------------------------------------
 * Método Construtor
 * responsável pela iniciação automática
 * após a instanciação ou herança da classe
 * -------------------------------------------------
 * @return $conn
 * @type arrayObject
public function __construct(){

     * verifica se a variável não está vazia
     * Este método garante apenas uma conexão
     * com o banco de dados e nada mais!

         * Começa aqui a instanciação da Classe PDO
         * ------------------------------------------------------------------
         * ->Utilizamos aqui as constantes definidas no arquivo Config.php
        self::$conn = new PDO(DSN, USER, PASS, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES UTF8"));

         * Define para que o PDO lance exceções caso ocorra erros
         * Preferencial para tratamento de erros
        self::$conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);

    //retorna a variável com o valor da conexão estabelecida
    return self::$conn;

CRUD File: (CRUD.php)

class CRUD extends Dbo
public $sql;

//Método para a consulta na tabela
 * [listar]
 * @param  [type] $tabela   string
 * @param  [type] $coluna   string
 * @param  [type] $condicao string
 * @return [type]           array
public function listar($tabela, $coluna, $condicao){
    return $this->sql = Dbo::$conn->prepare("SELECT {$coluna} FROM {$tabela} {$condicao}");

//Método para inserir registros na tabela
 * [inserir]
 * @param  [type] $tabela   string
 * @param  [type] $coluna   string
 * @param  [type] $condicao string
 * @return [type]           boleano
public function inserir($tabela, $coluna, $condicao){
    return $this->sql = Dbo::$conn->prepare("INSERT INTO $tabela ($coluna) VALUES ($condicao)");

//Método para o Update de registros na tabela
 * [atualizar]
 * @param  [type] $tabela   string
 * @param  [type] $coluna   string
 * @param  [type] $condicao string
 * @return [type]           boleano
public function atualizar($tabela, $coluna, $condicao){
    return $this->sql = Dbo::$conn->prepare("UPDATE $tabela SET $coluna WHERE $condicao LIMIT 1");

//Método para excluir registros
 * [excluir]
 * @param  [type] $tabela string
 * @param  [type] $coluna string
 * @return [type]         boleano
public function excluir($tabela, $coluna){
    return $this->sql = Dbo::$conn->prepare("DELETE FROM $tabela WHERE $coluna LIMIT 1");

Usage: (index.php)

include "Config.php";
include "DBO.php";
include "CRUD.php";

$crud = new CRUD;
$crud->listar('table', '*', 'WHERE id=:id ORDER BY id');
$crud->sql->bindValue(':id', 3805, PDO::PARAM_INT);

$crud->inserir('table', "email", ":email");
$crud->sql->bindValue(':email', '[email protected]', \PDO::PARAM_STR);

$crud->atualizar('table', "email=:email", 'id=:id');
$crud->sql->bindValue(':id',3805, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$crud->sql->bindValue(':email', '[email protected]', \PDO::PARAM_STR);

$crud->excluir('table', 'id=:id');
$crud->sql->bindValue(':id', 3805, PDO::PARAM_INT);


16.08.2017 / 17:23