Home > How Can You Make Money Creating Applications?

How can you make money creating applications?


There are 5 ways to earn money . The most popular is with Google Admob . Where you get paid for displaying ads and you can create a passive income month by month .

I leave a video explaining it better :


Hola. Quieres generar ingresos creando Aplicaciones…..

Mira este Entrenamiento Gratuito: “Descubre los 5 PASOS EXACTOS para iniciar un NEGOCIO RENTABLE en el mundo de las Aplicaciones Móviles, sin tener experiencia o conocimientos de programación, y que te produzca Ingresos Residuales”: Membership Area - 003


Hola, Lorenzo.

Una forma de ganar dinero creando apps es vendiendolas a empresas que deseen resolver una problemática a través de ella. Te invito a ver Entrevista con Kevin Esaa: Apasionado programador Android y de videojuegos donde habla al respecto.

Horick Sirhan

yes and very much so

Selmner Diec

I would recommend a short, intensive course, and I don't know, but you would have to see how much you are willing to invest in that knowledge!!

Denni Vieux

Te puedo resumir como ganar dinero creando aplicaciones en 3 pasos:

00:07 - Paso #1 Crea una app GRATIS sobre el tema que quieras

00:54 - Paso #2 Subilas a las tiendas

01:24 - Paso #3 Monetízalas con anuncios

Y en este video también les explico alguna de las preguntas frecuentes que tenemos cuando queremos generar ingresos creando apps

01:59 - ¿Quien me va a pagar los ingresos que genera mi App?¿Es seguro?

03:06 - Como paga Google Admob (Formas de pago)

Espero mi respuesta te sea de ayuda :)

Federico Juarez :)


Selling them.

Make facebook ads to your apps and you will see how they sell, if they are good and provide something good and solve a problem.


The first thing is to be original, and to create applications that solve problems that everyone else has. When you create an important invention, you create a solution to a need. So that's what success is all about: being original.


There are three basic ways to earn income by learning how to develop mobile apps:

✔ By developing apps and selling them to third parties

✔ By creating one-time or recurring payment apps and selling them on the Playstore, AppStore and Amazon

✔ By selling advertising space in the app and positioning in the online store

It is possible for you to generate passive and recurring income by creating mobile apps

Check out my new video on how you can make money 💰🤑🤑🤑💰 by learning how to create mobile apps

Whiteley Labori

With a great marketing plan, if it's good, you can sell anything.

With a great marketing plan, if it's good you can sell anything.

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