Home > Which Linux Distribution Is Best Suited For A Laptop?

Which Linux distribution is best suited for a laptop?


Hello, In general, Debian/Ubuntu based distributions are very good for most applications. For examplar, Lubuntu is good for laptops with limited resources.


If you're a mainstream user, a Linux Mint, Xubuntu, Opensuse or similar should be fine.

If you're a power user, I recommend Archivo Linux without hesitation. You'll learn a lot and you'll have an enviable rolling release system. You'll just need to have desktop software that suits your needs and the power of your laptop.

Favin Ganns

Depende que que tipo de usuario seas y que tipo de funcionalidad estés buscando. Hay muchas opciones, y eso es muy bueno.

En mi caso, uso una lap para trabajar que no consideraría potente, pero no necesito más porque Arch Linux ( Distro Rolling Release ) hace una gestión estupenda de los recursos.

Por lo general las distros con mejor soporte ( a nivel de hardware y comunidad ) son las que yo recomendaría, aunque hay que saber que cada una va dirigida a un sector distinto digamos.

Holder Berenguer

Generally a GNU/Linux distribution with a lightweight desktop environment is recommended, because most laptops are a little less resource intensive than desktop PCs. I recommend Ubuntu Mate, lightweight and configurable. Another distro from the Ubuntu family would be elementaryOS, nice and light. If we leave the Debian distros I recommend a Fedora or OpenSuse with Gnome-Shell. Greetings.

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