Questions tagged as 'xml'


Extract the products from an NFe XML

I'm developing a Java application that I'm going to need to extract the XML data from NFe, Extract some data I can get by mapping the Tags as the sending recipient among others. But when I need to extract the NFe products I can not. The...
asked by 07.05.2015 / 21:59

Expando Object for Xml

I'm using Expando Object (C # VS 2013) to read a complex xml file. I need now to read this Expando Object and turn it back into an xml.     
asked by 24.04.2015 / 14:30

Decrypting XML with private digital certificate password

I need to decrypt this XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xenc:EncryptedData xmlns:xenc="" Type=""> <xenc:EncryptionMethod...
asked by 28.04.2015 / 03:03

How to Apply Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently

I'm using ImageView to load images since I find memory mismatch I found this method because I can not use it. I wanted a brief explanation where I change the variables available at link Read Bitmap Dimensions and Type BitmapFactory.Opt...
asked by 02.02.2015 / 13:44

Problems setting the layout

I can not get you to accept this layout definition for Web View size: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"...
asked by 27.10.2014 / 20:54

Oracle Store Procedure reading XML

I need to make a stored procedure that reads an XML file and writes to a table in my bank, but I have no idea how to do this ... Can anyone help me?  I have 2 hours to deliver this.     
asked by 05.12.2014 / 17:47

TextView gets out of RelativeLayout (with rounded edges)

I'm trying to make the items in my list look like in figure 2, but they only look like in figure 1. I researched a lot about it, but I found very little about it (nor do I know very well what to search). FollowmyXMLfile:<?xmlversion="1.0"...
asked by 29.09.2014 / 19:53

Change background color of the title of a Dialog

I have the following dialog box: ThegreenpartwassetwithLinearLayout,buttheandroid:background="#77FF77" attribute did not change the color of the title bar. Dialog Java: public void ver_log(View v){ DialogLog(); } private void Dia...
asked by 26.12.2014 / 01:15

color / opacity in selected view

I've implemented a Navigation Drawer (without many modifications to the Android Developers example) I changed only the background colors of the ListView and the Text of the items: layout / activity_main.xml: <
asked by 22.07.2014 / 17:09

Use of bitmapped images in an application

As an experiment to develop a more advanced application, I was trying to make an application that consisted of a button and a imageView component, so that when I pressed the button a% bitmap that I have stored on my phone. However af...
asked by 29.10.2014 / 23:12