I created a connection class for my application in Xamarin, but every time I try to connect it throws this exception:
"The type initializer for
'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Replication.ReplicationManager' threw an
exception "
Follow the...
I need to use a Grid screen (to organize the Entries and Buttons) and AbsoluteLayout (to have the ball in the middle of the screen). If this is done the screen layout becomes deformed (image below). If you shoot AbsoluteLayout the...
I have this:
public void Login_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
LoginService svc = new LoginService();
LoginRS res = svc.Login(txtUsuario.Text, txtSenha.Text);
if (res != null && res.Su...
I created a custom search bar with an entry. I need to get the text of this entry to be a search parameter.
So I created a custom property that uses the Text property of entry. But this custom property does not take the text from the custom s...
I want to make a request to a Web Service developed in Asp. Net passing two parameters to my server. The controller in the web service is this:
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string id1, string id2)
Is there any way I can uninstall packages and all their dependencies in a single command? Without having to uninstall one by one. Type:
Unable to uninstall 'System.Net.Http.4.3.3' because
'NETStandard.Library.1.6.1' depends on it
Personal this message:
An unhandled exception occured.
It always happens when I try to consume my service REST . I first made an example, copying it from Macoratti and it worked. So I adapted to my service and it did not work,...
This is the error I'm catching:
C: \ my_path \ packages \ Xamarin.Forms. \ build \ portable-win + net45 + wp80 + win81 + wpa81 \ Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.dll.
Confirm that the statement is correct, if the assembly is
all i...
I'm having trouble showing the content of the pages. I created a ListView with some options, follow the code below:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamar...