Questions tagged as 'webpack'


I can not use Webpack in my project

I'm learning react, and in the video-lessons I'm seeing, it tells me to install the global webpack: npm i -g webpack The installation was successful. Only in the video is created a directory dist with file bundle.js only in...
asked by 29.07.2018 / 01:48

(extract-text-webpack-plugin) error [1] "loader" must be a string

After I installed the extract-text-webpack-plugin it started to return me the error erro [1] "loader" must be a string Follow my webpack configuration 'use strict' const path = require('path') const webpack = require('webpack') cons...
asked by 23.07.2018 / 16:19

Vue.js Prod version Error IE11 "Expected identifier, string or number"

I'm trying to run my new webpage in IE11 (testing the compatibility across browsers) and I have an error in console log, and got a blank page for any route. I'm using webpack, running: npm run build. To be able to see the code, I disabled the...
asked by 22.05.2018 / 17:30

Disable rebuild

Does anyone know how to disable the rebuild that the angle makes in the whole code at every file modification when using ng serve so that it is possible to change the code, save and view the result in the browser only with the refresh of...
asked by 13.04.2018 / 02:14

RangerError: stack size exceeded because of very large directory

I'm developing an application with and VideoJS I want to insert the VideoJS repository into a lib directory in my Angular project, to make development easier. The problem is that the Webpack of the Angular project can only c...
asked by 05.04.2018 / 20:52

Problems to ignore URLs in CSS

How do I in Webpack to ignore the content with images inside the URL, eg background-image: url("../img/marker.png"); I have an SASS file with this content: // Fonts @import url(",400,700");...
asked by 20.03.2018 / 19:13

Assign the return of a function that returns from a promisse

I am exporting a function to another file that is as a webpack-simple + vuejs component, This is the function of api-user.js file: export function getUsers () {'/api/get_list',{}) .then(req => {return;})...
asked by 18.03.2018 / 17:14

How can I disassemble a javascript module or merge dependencies?

I'mtryingtogetthecontentsofpasteimage2.jsinsidethecode,buteverythingIdogoeswrong,ifanyonecangivemeanytips,Iappreciateanyhelp.Ifyoucantellmewhatkindofmoduleisbeingusedinthecodeandcanundoittostopbeingamodule.theentirecode link I even deleted...
asked by 05.03.2018 / 18:15

Install StartBootstrap-SB-Admin using Yarn

I am creating a skeleton base for my applications and I want to use Symfony 4 and Startbootstrap-SB-Admin . I already have a skeleton project using Symfony 3 and SB-Admin-2 and another one with Silex . These last ones I cr...
asked by 15.02.2018 / 23:26

React project does not open on Apple devices

I have a project made with react using the Webpack for frontend and Spring Maven for back. I'm using JSX files and Ant Design framework. The problem is in the fact that in Windows and Android, the site opens without any problem, however when goi...
asked by 09.02.2018 / 18:28