Questions tagged as 'web-component'


What is Stencil JS?

Nowadays, a lot is talked about web components and custom elements , and along with big names like Angular, React, Vue and Polymer, name Stencil JS . What is Stencil JS ? Is it another framework to compete in the web component market?...
asked by 10.10.2017 / 21:28

What is Riot.js?

I was reading about some frameworks and libraries for front-end UI development and I came across Riot.js . By giving a quick read on the page of the library, I superficially concluded that they promise to make UI componentization easier th...
asked by 11.10.2017 / 15:03

Debug variables in mustache

People the mustache promises to work wonders but it is not being my case. Moodle is PHP but the themes now use mustache, but the code of the screens generated by such mustache are something like this: <nav class="list-group m-t-1"> {{/sh...
asked by 20.09.2017 / 22:26

Text editor table is not writing to the database [closed]

I have a text editor in a project, but when someone uses the table tool in the editor it does not write to the table in the database, it only writes the contents of the table. And when it is downloaded the text comes without the table, getting u...
asked by 18.09.2017 / 18:47

Creating components from another base component

The idea is to create a component for each input type, for example, InputPassword to <input type="password"> , but for code reuse, most of these components have an equal base, all have <div> as container, have a...
asked by 10.12.2018 / 15:18