Questions tagged as 'vraptor'


The find () method of my DAO Generic entityManager is giving NullPointer, how to fix it?

The change from my DAO looks like this: private EntityManager entityManager; public void alterar() throws Exception { System.out.println("T encontrada"); System.out.println("iniciando Alterar id: " + this.getId()); System.out.prin...
asked by 20.08.2015 / 22:20

Format date in Angular for Java.util.Date

I have the following date generated in AngularJS: 2015-09-14T18:38:03.637Z when I try to give a POST the following error occurs in the backend:    Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date:   "2015-09-14T18: 38: 03.637Z" at...
asked by 14.09.2015 / 20:50

Burst net.vidageek.mirror.exception.ReflectionProviderException error: Could not invoke method, how to fix?

I'm in a code where at the time I run this method in java from HtmlUnit: // SIMULANDO UM NAVEGADOR WebClient client = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.getDefault()); client.setJavaScriptEnabled(false); client.setCookiesEnabled(true); System.out....
asked by 07.07.2015 / 22:36

Handle get errors (403,404,405) with jquery

I'm using history API to load the clicks on the menu, in a div #content, okay so far so good, however I'm handling the errors by JQUERY even look at it $('a').click(function() { pageurl = $(this).attr('href'); if(pageurl!=window.locati...
asked by 22.05.2014 / 20:20

Return of select objects (ComboBox) with Hibernate + JSP + VRaptor. Does not fill relationship between tables

I have an object TabelaPrecoItem with all the structure formed and almost everything working, follows the model model. @Entity @Table(name = "fov_tabela_preco_itens") public class TabelaPrecoItem implements Serializable {...
asked by 16.05.2014 / 15:15

How to use LocalDate in VRaptor4?

I'm trying to make a simple application in VRaptor 4. In an entity, I have two attributes, one of type LocalDate and another of type LocalTime . I added the VRaptor Java 8 plugin, which should do the data conversion for the types...
asked by 30.07.2018 / 00:08

Retrieve BigDecimal Value from @PathParam

I have the following call http://localhost:8080/app-teste/produto/1234/76.60 and I want to recover like this: @Get("/{produtoDto.codBarras}/{preco}") public void produtoComPreco(ProdutoDto produtoDto, @PathParam("preco") BigDecimal preco...
asked by 04.01.2018 / 15:25

Vraptor unit test Mockito (CDI)

Can anyone give me a glimpse of how to do unit tests using Mockito next to the full CDI of the Vraptor application? I use a lot of CDI to control my objects like automated management of my dao next to the manager with the @Inject. More usi...
asked by 10.11.2016 / 13:17

Task with parameter in vraptor-tasks

Hello, I'm using vraptor-tasks and vraptor 4 to schedule some tasks with manual scheduling. schedule.schedule(MyTask.class, trigger, "report"); Is there a way to pass a parameter to the MyTask class? Or even get the JobExecutionContext...
asked by 02.06.2016 / 16:19

Disable browsing cache with Wildfly

Hello, I'm using VRaptor 4 with Wildfly 9, and I noticed that in my browsing in localhost, with every refresh or navigation between other pages, HTML content is reloaded normally. However, when I'm making a request to a production server, tha...
asked by 08.06.2016 / 02:10