Questions tagged as 'volley'


Return reading in JSON

I can read json's return in the format [{"celular":"123456","_id":"1"}] The code that works with json above is this: public static void MakeJsonArrayReq() { JsonArrayRequest jreq = new JsonArrayRequest(url, new Response....
asked by 11.10.2015 / 16:46

android - Cache images and show listview

Good afternoon friends, is as follows: I'm going to use Volley to get webservice data, and so I write the list in my local DB with SQlite. In this webservice will come a JSON with items, each item has its data and an image. I need to save thi...
asked by 22.06.2016 / 21:15

Error inserting PHP MySql data using the Android volley lib

I'm developing an application that will have to send data to a server. My php source code is this: connection.php <?php $mysql_hostname = "localhost"; $mysql_user = "root"; $mysql_password = ""; $mysql_database = "ap...
asked by 30.10.2015 / 20:55

Return data obtained from OnResponse

How do I return this String reponse? If I give the return there it does not accept ... and if and by at the end of the method and using an auxiliary variable it risks returning null. public String getData(){ StringRequest request = new Str...
asked by 20.10.2016 / 01:41

I'm trying to extend StringRequest from the volley package, but the import is not working, why?

This is the code I use to import. import; import; And here below is a print of my screen showing that I have already installed the volley package correctly. Update1:Iup...
asked by 19.08.2016 / 20:41

String conversion error in JSONArray - Android Volley Method

My application receives a JSONString via web service from a C # API, as listed below: [{ "LimiteCredito": 123.00, "PessoasFuncionarioId": 16, "Id": 12, "Nome": "Cliente PF A", "DataEdicao": "\/Date(1485019536610-0200)\/", "UsuarioAlteracaoId":...
asked by 21.02.2017 / 15:04

Problems with AsyncTask

I'm trying to make a request for JSON along with AsyncTask. With this, I made the JSON call in the InBackground method, however, the code executes the onResponse method of the JsonArrayRequest after calling the onPostExecute, not at the time of...
asked by 16.09.2016 / 19:17

Problems making a call using Retrofit on Android

I am a student and I have difficulty understanding where I am going wrong in a job that the teacher has passed. Describing briefly, the teacher provided an API in GitHub, which after completing the installation we can add products, suppliers and...
asked by 07.11.2017 / 07:48

How to pass the response received by the volley to a Global variable?

Good afternoon, I wanted to know how I can pass%% of the received volley to a global variable: public class ReceberObjeto { private JSONObject res; public ReceberObjeto(String URL, Context context, Map<String,String> params) {...
asked by 13.05.2016 / 21:16

I have the following error in the volley "jsonexception: end of input at char 0"

Sending the request the server behaves with no error, but on the side of the response it generates the following error " java.lang.runtimeException: bad url." I'm using Android studio, WebView and Volley. MainAct...
asked by 21.08.2017 / 15:59