Questions tagged as 'vba'


Alternatives to developing VBA in Office

At work I have a large code base written in VBA (about 13 active projects) for both Access and Excel applications. I have been trying to refactor some things, but several factors are making my work difficult, like: The IDE that comes with...
asked by 17.10.2014 / 15:26

Find column and position the cursor in it

I have a spreadsheet that contains: COLUNA A1 CABECALHO (PRODUTOS) COLUNAS B1 A BK1 COM DATAS I will read a database ordered by product and date and I have     which automatically fill in the worksheet by allocating the values of each produ...
asked by 21.10.2016 / 20:20

Block cell filled with VBA

We are setting up a routine where when filling a cell (C1, for example), the date (A1) and time (B1) in the worksheet are automatically filled in. But soon after the autocompletion is done I need the 2 cells to be blocked. I tested the code belo...
asked by 01.06.2017 / 15:55

How to generate a worksheet from another using VBA

I have the following spreadsheet with the following columns: Iwouldliketogenerateasecondspreadsheetbasedontheaboveinformation,subjecttothefollowingconditions:a)Ifcategoria=='Multimídia>Multilaser',categoria='1'b)Ifcategoria=='Sestini>M...
asked by 11.03.2017 / 19:30

VBA / Excel - Subroutines stop while I'm typing

I'm working on a spreadsheet where the user has to type a given text into a cell at a certain time. I want to put a side countdown timer so it goes by checking how much time is still missing. However, when I start typing in the cell, the stopwat...
asked by 23.08.2015 / 00:25

Receive vector size

I would like to know how I get the size of my vector in VBA. I researched some things but could not locate anything. How can I retrieve this value?     
asked by 25.06.2015 / 19:11

How to include visual progress information in a Powerpoint presentation via VBA

I have a Powerpoint presentation and would like to build a VBA program to count the slides and include in each of them a kind of "progress bar", so as to indicate to the audience the progress of the lecture visually *. * I know that Powerpoi...
asked by 03.07.2014 / 21:28

Visual Basic Excel - Delete an array name

I'm here with some problems, I never moved in Visual Basic and was seeing if it helped me to make a listing that I have in Excel faster (Through Visual Basic Excel). It's very simple, I just want to look in the array if you have a word that h...
asked by 29.07.2015 / 19:12

Competition when using temporary table

I'm using a vba code that passes some data to an auxiliary table, manipulates it and returns it to the original table. How do I solve the competition problem? That is, I did not want two users to use at the same time.     
asked by 20.01.2014 / 17:28

How to access a value that was put via JavaScript from a site via VBA?

I'm trying to access the values that appear on the site: link I was unable to access the values either by direct hyperlink in excel, or by creating a querytable via VBA. Of the two modes the values do not return. Searching the internet, I s...
asked by 10.06.2015 / 21:09