Questions tagged as ''


Repeat header in print

I can not divulge the report I'm using, so I've taken a generic template on google to help me explain the question. Assuming my report is as follows: ThesameismountedviaHTMLonasystemthatworkswithbothC#andVB.Net.Myintentionisoneachprintpage...
asked by 13.05.2015 / 19:35

Change Windows registry key values

Is it possible to build an application that searches for a key in the Windows registry with an exact name and when it finds its value changed by a user-defined value? If possible what is the best language to implement this? VB.NET?!     
asked by 20.05.2014 / 12:42

How to pass a lambda expression as an argument to a parameter in a method?

Is there any way to pass a lambda expression as an argument to a paramer in a method? For example: Private Sub Metodo(Expressao As ?) Lista = Lista.Where(Expressao) End Sub     
asked by 20.12.2016 / 23:48

Faster way to add an item to a list, use a structure

Structure turma Public id_turma As Integer Public nome_turma As String End Structure Structure Disciplina Public id_disciplinas As Integer Public nome_disciplina As Integer End Structure Public Class F_Contentor Dim turmas A...
asked by 22.02.2016 / 18:35

Is it possible to use pointers in VB.NET?

Is it possible to use pointers in VB.NET? If so, how do they work? An example in C++ : CSR = ConfigurarInterfaceDeRede(randInt(0,999999),CodAtivacaoSAT,(char*)xml); int a; int *p; p = &a; How would you translate this to VB...
asked by 04.12.2014 / 13:12

How to read a value from a registry key

I'm trying to get a value from the registry key but the value returns empty, does anyone have any other way to get the registry key value? Follow the code in VB.NET Private Sub ObterNomeDeRede() Dim ValorRegistro = My.Computer.Registry.Ge...
asked by 08.03.2018 / 03:19

When and why to use the Obsolete attribute?

At least on the projects I worked with, I see no point in using the Obsolete " in methods that are no longer used. What I do, and I see people doing is removing or commenting codes that are no longer used / obsolete. When and why shoul...
asked by 11.02.2017 / 13:11

Convert string array to string in VB

I need to use SPLIT on a lot of data, but I need to convert the array string to string. I'm putting String () to get the string array variable, but VS keeps telling me that one-dimensional array can not be converted to string. Can anyone h...
asked by 28.04.2016 / 18:30

InputMask by model

Hello, I'm using the jQuery - maskedInput plugin, where I get the id of my input and make the mask: $("#CPF").mask("999.999.999-99"); is working, only I would like to use this mask through model , wit...
asked by 25.11.2015 / 17:31

How can I convert an Html string into an image file?

I have a problem in ItextSharp to put certain HTML in the PDF because it has some limitations on CSS. So I thought about converting HTML to image and simply attaching it to my document. How can I convert, for example, one table to image? (...
asked by 01.02.2014 / 21:12