Questions tagged as 'unity3d'


Call a method equivalent to a string

Consider the following class: public class AnimationManager : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject[] Enemies; void OnTriggerEnter2D (Collider2D o) { if (o.tag == "Player") foreach(GameObject Enemy in Enemies)...
asked by 31.08.2015 / 21:30

How does Unity use C # on Android?

Recently I started to get interested in game development (initially for the Android platform) and that's why I met the engine Unity. I've never programmed in Java, native language of Android. However I know the C # language. When I read mor...
asked by 21.11.2017 / 13:36

Show ads admob interstitial (full page) after game over

I've already imported all the Admob files into my project and it's working, but I'd like to know how to put interstitial ads to appear when WinPanel and LosePanel are active. Here is the code: using System.Collections; using U...
asked by 14.06.2015 / 20:44

Database Connections in Unity

I'm developing a mobile game using Unity 3D and need to have a local database on the device. Which database to use? You have to use MySQL, SQLite. Can anyone help me?     
asked by 04.10.2017 / 22:53

I can not make the nightmare character disappear after being killed

I'm following all the steps of a tutorial on creating the game Nightmare, videos made by channel "Playing with Nils", but after following all the steps, when I run the game and then I kill the zombunny (an enemy), instead of dying and disappea...
asked by 07.05.2015 / 22:51

Comments weigh the code in C #?

I use the C # language with the Unity Engine, and as many programmers have access to the code, we often talk a lot so that everyone can understand what's in it. I saw in other answers recommendations for using a minifier but they were always rel...
asked by 04.05.2018 / 16:53

Unity change the order of a game object via code by C #

Well I have a Game Object called Party Frames. Inside it I have several prefabs with different names (their names are the character IDs) and they are UIs of character faces. The only thing I want is to change the order of these objects fro...
asked by 06.10.2017 / 18:33

Character Camera does not move!

I'm doing a Unity tutorial that I downloaded to the Asset Store at the following link link I tried to make my character turn to look at the mouse, but it can not rotate, and just look forward to the case and I can not make it look at other...
asked by 11.03.2015 / 16:13

Engine Unity5 error in code

I was creating a code for the one game and in the end some problems appeared: Assets/Scripts/Player/PlayerMovement.cs(63,23): error CS1547: Keyword 'void' cannot be used in this context Assets/Scripts/Player/PlayerMovement.cs(63,26): error CS...
asked by 19.05.2016 / 14:25

How to make a temporary powerup?

Hello. I'm developing a game in which the player throws some balls (shots), so I created a powerup that reduces the time between the balls thrown. I need to make the time between the balls return to normal after a certain time. void Update() {...
asked by 12.12.2017 / 23:44