Questions tagged as 'testes'


Check if it is the correct fragment after the click (UI Test)

I would like a hint on how to check for the correct fragment after the click Follow the (Wrong) thought for example, does anyone have an example of how I can test this? @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class MapsActivityTest extends App...
asked by 26.08.2016 / 16:16

Problem invoking method of a newly loaded class

I made a code that dynamically compiles a java file, and through the .class generated with load this class, create an instance and invoke its methods using the getDeclaredMethod() method. So far so good. But now I'm encountering an error...
asked by 07.04.2016 / 16:04

UnitTest Django Views: I can not login to the system by unittest [closed]

I need to give post in my view of "creation of requests", but when I try to give post , I'm redirected to my login screen, I'm trying to login to the system and then give the post in that view , but I did not succeed. Could someone...
asked by 26.02.2014 / 15:44

Test automation (Decrease execution speed)

How to slow down the running of tests in katalon Studio?     
asked by 06.03.2018 / 12:07

Clear () and SendKeys () in a single method

I have methods clear and sendKeys and wanted "colapsar" both in one, WebElement user = webdriver.findElement("username")); user.clear(); user.sendKeys(username); WebElement passw = webdriver.findElement(
asked by 05.12.2017 / 12:13

mvn test giving error 'can not find symbol'

I have a spring-boot project and I'm programming some tests using Junit, in Eclipse I ran the tests without having problems, however, in the terminal, when trying to run the mvn test command or > mvn build an error occurs in my TestUtil clas...
asked by 24.06.2018 / 05:30

android - Unit tests and UI tests

Good morning, friends, Lately I have seen some videos and blogs on the subject, and wanted to know of those who usually work with tests if it is really worth using tests on Android Dev. And if so, which frameworks have the best usability f...
asked by 29.05.2017 / 15:43

Take the position x and y of the item on the screen

I'm doing a test automation and I have to do a test that the mouse just goes over a menu, for the menu to open, it can not click. However, I had to hit the position on the X and Y, but I would not like to do this, as other people will use it...
asked by 26.12.2018 / 15:12

I can not do a unit test

I have a problem with doing a test method in this JAVA program. The method I created was to check if the wolf is dead. @Test public void verificaSeOLoboMorreAposCompletarAIdade(){ campo = new Campo(4,4); localizacao = new Localizacao(0...
asked by 24.08.2017 / 21:19