Questions tagged as 'template'


Pass directive within template

I have the following scenario: I have a modal call directive and I want to pass another policy as content, the code is as follows: maintain-provider-form.js "use strict"; angular.module("fornecedor") .directive('manterFornecedorFormulario'...
asked by 27.10.2015 / 15:05

How to do Scaffolding in ASP.Net MVC with texts and resources in pt-BR?

How to make the text generated by Scaffolding of ASP.Net MVC be texts in pt-BR? Note: You are not using ASP.NET MVC en-US features. Features only translate automatically generated messages, and are not part of Scaffolding .     
asked by 01.07.2016 / 02:59

Is it possible to "simulate" C ++ Templates in C?

Taking a data structure of type stack with array for example : typedef struct stack_s { int top; int item[STACK_MAX_SIZE]; } stack_t; Doubt appears when for some reason I want to use a stack with a data type other than int...
asked by 15.10.2016 / 18:04

Specialize only one class template method

I have 2 basic types of classes, ClasseA and ClasseB . ClassA has a method that generates an integer, and ClassB has a method that generates a ClassA. I would like the method of a ClassC , if the template is a ClassA (or daughters) return...
asked by 07.11.2016 / 14:05

Why explicitly declare the base when calling function when using templates?

I have the following code: A derived template calling a function from a base also template. template <int M> struct Base { void foo() {} }; template <int M> struct Derived : public Base<M> { void bar() { foo(); } }; B...
asked by 29.03.2014 / 12:06

Identify if and endif with regex?

In an example of OS I found: <?php $a = 22; $b = 33; $template = ' [if $b>0 ] B > 0 [/if]'; // IF - ENDIF preg_match_all('/\[if(.*?)\][\s]*?(.*)[\s]*?\[\/if\]/i', $template, $regs, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < coun...
asked by 20.09.2016 / 00:30

Total with pluralize in template Django

Personal I have the following code: <div> <h4>{{ combination|length }} combinação{{ combination|length|pluralize }}</h4> <h5><b>Total:</b> {{ combination.paginator.count }} combinação{{ combination.p...
asked by 06.07.2016 / 16:34

How to create an object with class template?

I have this code: Main.cpp Warehouse<Base<int>> arm(1, 1, 1, 1); arm.createSubBase(1,1,1); Warehouse.h private: vector<Base<T>*> whouse; public : void createSubBase(int, int, int); template <class T> v...
asked by 25.10.2014 / 16:48

Template and Themes for JSF / Primefaces

I would like to ask a question and I believe it is very simple. There are a wide variety of templates for AngularJS, WordPress and etc. In the same site as Primefaces, there are themes such as Modena, Sentinel, Spark and others. I was searchi...
asked by 20.08.2015 / 02:04

Create document templates in Java

I'm creating a Java system with Swing, where I would have document templates, and would populate with user-entered data in a form I've already created, so that it generates a template PDF filled with the data. I tried to do it in a "raw" way,...
asked by 31.07.2015 / 20:31