Questions tagged as 'tclientdataset'


TClientDataSet Temporary Table

Good evening. My question is this: I have a temporary table created in TClientDataSet . However, I need to write the temporary table data to an XML file and then re-read the TClientDataSet , that is, delete the records and re-i...
asked by 10.11.2015 / 01:45

Generate Sequence Records with ClientDataSet (MultiUser)

I have the following scenario: Orders table with Company, OrderNumber which are primary key. Other fields such as Customer, Value, ect ... I have a SQLQuery, a DataSetProvider and a ClientDataSet connected pointing to this table. In the On...
asked by 12.11.2014 / 19:43

Pass IFDDatasetReference (Firedac) to ClientDataSet.Data

I have a Query of FireDAC ( FDQuery ) and want to pass its output to a ClientDataSet . Since FireDAC works with IFDDataSetReference and ClientDataSet work with OleVariant , the compatibility error. Code that generates error: Clien...
asked by 03.04.2017 / 19:38

Sorting in ClientDataSet

I tried to sort ClientDataSet according to the guidelines below but did not accept grouping the orders: Does not accept: (ClientDataSet1.IndexName := 'DataNascimentoAscdx;OrdenarUltimoPrimeiroNomedx';) Only accept if you have o...
asked by 10.02.2018 / 13:40

TClientDataSet does not start

I create at runtime a TClientDataSet , start, insert, but some computers do not start or create TClientDataSet . Windows of my computer (Develop) Windows 7 32 bits , works perfectly. Windows of computer wher...
asked by 07.07.2015 / 20:38