Questions tagged as 'syntax-error'


Problem in keeping quotation marks

famous_person = "Dalai Lama disse:\n" message = "\Se quer viver uma vida feliz, amarre-se a uma meta, não a pessoas nem a coisas\" print(famous_person + message) I have tried everything (including putting two quotes). If I put two quotes to...
asked by 16.12.2018 / 13:19

"SyntaxError: invalid syntax" error [closed]

I was trying to run a very simple program through the terminal (use ubuntu gnome): #encoding: utf-8 y = int(input("Ultimo número: ")) x=0 while x <= y if x % 2 == 0 print (x) x=x+1 and I came across the following error: File...
asked by 06.07.2016 / 01:35

Error Code: 1064 - MySQL

Hello, everyone! When constructing a simple inclusion procedure gave this message!    Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; nac_res, cpf_res, cin_res, est_civ, data_mat, 'at line 89 Warning gives the natural variab...
asked by 17.07.2014 / 00:50

"Escape" externally loaded file string

Problem: I am trying to pass to the database a String containing the bytes of an image that was loaded externally to put into a BLOB field. As always, the bytes in the image have single quotes ' , double quotes " and backsla...
asked by 29.08.2014 / 21:58

Android Studio does not recognize the getRating () method

When I try to use the getRating () method in the FormHelper class, Android Studio reports that "Can not resolve method 'getRating ()'". I'm importing the View and RatingBar package, and Android Studio does not recognize this method anyway....
asked by 17.12.2018 / 14:38

Syntax error: Problem with variable inside the IF

My code: DELIMITER // CREATE FUNCTION f_desc (in_preco int) RETURNS INT BEGIN DECLARE fim_preco INT; IF in_preco >= 100 THEN -- aqui fim_preco := format(10 * in_preco/100, 2); ELSEIF in_preco >...
asked by 31.07.2018 / 23:07

SyntaxError = Invalid Syntax in variable name

LadodoQuadrado = input("Digite o valor correspondente ao lado de um quadrado: " variavel = float(LadodoQuadrado) x = LadodoQuadrado * 4 y = LadodoQuadrado ^ 2 print("perímetro:", x, "área:", y) When I have run the program, it says "SyntaxEr...
asked by 26.04.2017 / 02:33

move_uploaded_file does not work correctly

I've tried every way to do move_uploaded_file () move the desired file . I've mounted a simple image upload form, but it does not move at all. POST: $foto = $_FILES["txtFoto"]; // Caminho de onde ficará a imagem $caminho_imagem = "im...
asked by 06.02.2017 / 14:25

How to take this notice Notice: Undefined index:

I have a $posicoes variable that receives the amount of elements that exist in the replies session: $posicoes = count($_SESSION['respostas']); if ($_GET['idQuestao'] > $posicoes) { // acontece isso... } else {...
asked by 23.09.2016 / 02:22

Unidentified syntax error

Good afternoon. I am trying to program in php (I am newbie), and I created a connection with the bank, but when I try to register a data in my bank through my system, it presents the following error:    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '...
asked by 10.12.2018 / 15:29