Questions tagged as 'swift'


Close the IOS keyboard when clicking confirm

How do I make the keyboard add when I click on a button to confirm the name in the textbox? I want when I click on the confirm button the player adds the keyboard, because it keeps appearing cutting the half of the screen where the game is  ...
asked by 22.01.2016 / 14:42

Conversion of Objective-c project to Swift (Server Call)

I have a problem that I explain, I think I found a way to call the methods that are on the server, however when I call a method that has parameters, I get an error, and when I call a method that has no parameters okay. Can someone explain to me...
asked by 28.01.2016 / 11:50

How can I activate my iTunnes Connect?

I have two accounts of Agent (Total Access) and one of Administrator for Development. When I try to connect to iTunnes Connect with user agent, My Apps does not appear. This way: Itlookslikethis: How can I solve this problem?     
asked by 16.12.2015 / 00:15

Check URL loaded in a WebView

Good afternoon guys. In Java we have a function called shouldOverrideUrlLoading that checks all URLs loaded inside a WebView, so I can create conditions to decide how the APP should behave. Does anyone know how to do this through Swift?     
asked by 17.12.2015 / 19:28

Swift 2 - Variable with null value

I have a web page that returns the following json structure: [ { "nomeDoServico":"fdPHost", "nomeParaExibicao":"Host de Provedor da Descoberta de Função", "status":"Iniciado" }, { "nomeDoServico":"LanmanW...
asked by 24.09.2015 / 06:29

How to open another viewControler in Swift?

I'm new to swift programming and I have a question. I have two files The main one: ViewController.swift and another one that I created called ViewSecond.swift. I made the class import UIKit class ViewSegundo: UIViewController { @IBOut...
asked by 23.09.2015 / 03:33

How do I open a ViewController via Local Notification?

I have an application that sends notifications to the user from time to time, but how do I open a View other than the main View when the user clicks the notification? Example, Whatsapp conversations, Messenger notifications, ie open specific...
asked by 23.06.2015 / 19:22

Swift UITableView Multi Selection Problem

I have a tableView that when in Edit mode I can select each item and take an action, for example remove the selected items. When I select the items, the first items are left without "Line Divide", and the ones below are usually selected as sh...
asked by 31.07.2015 / 20:28

Transaction / Commit in Core Data, is it possible?

Is there a concept of Transaction and Commit in Core Data? I have a base in the app that is fed by an external file, however there are a lot of data and the application takes around 2 minutes to perform this import so I need to run it in the...
asked by 18.08.2015 / 23:04

Motion sensor

How do I identify the rotation of the iPhone on its own axis (same rotation as a top)? I was able to identify practically all possible rotations and could not identify this, which is precisely what I need for a game I'm developing. The iPhone wi...
asked by 04.03.2015 / 15:17