Questions tagged as 'stylus'


Why is the Stylus not identifying classes? [closed]

I have a problem with the Stylus. Compiling my code by Node sometimes gives a bug , it does not seem to identify the classes because of . generating the following error:    expected "indent", got "outdent" Note: There are hours th...
asked by 03.12.2015 / 14:03

Gulp Task - Compile Stylus for CSS

After a lot of fighting, I started to page my portfolio. I used to use a few things I was learning, among them the Gulp and Stylus. For CSS construction I am using ITCSS methodology (understood as architecture). However, at the time of running t...
asked by 27.01.2016 / 22:12

Prefixes using Css Stylus

Hello, I'm starting to use css Stylus and I'm having trouble adding browsers prefixes. Is there an autoprefixer that automatically adds everything or do I have to do everything manually? Thank you. Note: I tried to use this link...
asked by 30.11.2015 / 20:07

Pre-processor stylus - Error while running the stylus watch

Hello, I have the following problem: When you run the command stylus main.styl main.css -w the stylus compiles what is saved, that is, it takes what is in the files styl/title.styl and styl/button.syl and plays to...
asked by 25.02.2017 / 18:51

How can I use gulp-stylus, jeet, and rupture with gulp-load-plugins [closed]

If I use Stylus with Jeet and Rupture, my gulpfile.js would look like this: .pipe(stylus({ use:[prefixer(), jeet(), rupture()], compress: true })) Now, I modularize my Gulp tasks with gulp-load-plugins. And...
asked by 17.05.2016 / 20:14

Pre processors and how to work with them

Hello folks from the community, I have doubts about how to work with preprocessors, after all I will have to rewrite the code twice? or will I have to copy and paste into an online convertor? I have a lot of knowledge about using pug, stylus and...
asked by 22.04.2018 / 21:55

How to use Stylus lookup in a hash object

Is there a way to use the lookup function to apply hash objects to within for ? I'm using it this way: $color= { $success: { bg: #4caf50, ... } , $error: { bg: #f44336, ... } , $warning: {...
asked by 17.08.2018 / 16:36

Can not read property 'nodes' of undefined

I'm getting the ERR below when trying to implement a styling in my project with Stylus . The same goes for background: url(...); and I think for any other related attempt. I found in Github some similar problems, but none of the so...
asked by 22.04.2016 / 05:05