Questions tagged as 'sqlite'


Fill spinner with SQLite data [duplicate]

I have an application with SQlite, I make a select to return the values of a field and save this in a variable. I wanted to use these values in a spinner, but it is not getting into the list but all the values in an item. Query in Sqlite to...
asked by 05.03.2017 / 03:49

Database - SQLite

I'm developing an application that needs a database, I chose SQLite. How do I create a database with SQLite and React Native? As I am new and I have no experience in SQLite I ask you:     
asked by 25.02.2017 / 04:06

Accessing SQLite database in another activity

I'm starting out in java android, I'm quite lay still, I'm catching the POO concept little by little. My problem is as follows, I have a class BankBank and another BankController where I have some methods to manipulate the bank, this in an ac...
asked by 22.06.2017 / 22:20

How to use a SQLServer script to create a database in SQLite?

I have a SQL Server generated script it contains several tables and views, I intend to carry this database to my Android SQLite. How do I run the script in SQLite on Android?     
asked by 16.02.2017 / 21:39

Error inserting data into SQLite database [closed]

Class that creates the bank public class CriaBanco extends SQLiteOpenHelper { private static final String NOME_BANCO = "lista.db"; private static final int VERSAO_BANCO = 1; public CriaBanco(Context context) { super(context, NOME_BANCO,...
asked by 04.04.2017 / 01:34

SQLite check if data already exists

Hello I have an application where when logging in if you have a connection to the internet it should bring the data from the web service and insert it into the bank. That's good then, but my doubt is as follows: When logging in and receivi...
asked by 08.09.2016 / 14:31

Android Cursor return error

public boolean insertData( int id_item, String nome, int quantidade) { String preco_unitario = "0"; String id_pedido = "0"; SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); Str...
asked by 12.08.2016 / 16:58

Redo autoincrement in SQLite

I'm passing data from an old bank to a new bank. After executing all querys there were some primary key fields that were "missing". Example the id column jumped from die '11' to '13' since die '12' was deleted. This occurs in several ca...
asked by 12.06.2016 / 22:34

Store vector in SQLite

I'm creating an application in C# that must have a database. At first I'm thinking of using SQlite for simplicity. But for each data inserted in my bank must have: Identifier ( int , char , bool ) ... Vector (which...
asked by 17.03.2016 / 21:02

Error while changing table SQLITE - no such column

Include a new column in a table. I reinstalled the application and at the time of saving the data there is a message saying that there is no path picture column, in my case, in the clients table. I read some things about it and was advised to in...
asked by 26.01.2016 / 03:57