Questions tagged as 'sql-update'


Load the data into the table of a div inside a form

I have this form: <form name="form4" method="POST" onsubmit="return form_validation()" > <h1><center><strong>Saída de Luvas</strong></center></h1></br> <p><h5><s...
asked by 03.01.2018 / 10:19

Make item table update with stock on any branch

Alright, people, I have a table with stock of products in a network with 13 stores. I want to block items that have no inventory in any store and that have not had sales in the last year or that were only registered, but did not sell. I tried...
asked by 26.01.2018 / 18:48

update does not work pdo php

I'm doing a panel in which the user sends an image, but this image is not being made require_once("../classes/seguranca.php"); $nome = $_POST['nome']; $foto = $_FILES['imagem']; $id = $_POST['id']; $resultado = ""; $nomeMD5 = md5($nome); //p...
asked by 09.09.2017 / 14:28

Update notify change

Can you tell if a value has changed in an in-app table? Type I gave one UPDATE tabela SET valor = 1 WHERE id = 2; And in the application the message appears: O Valor foi alterado para 1 What I would like to do is to notify the clien...
asked by 30.06.2017 / 19:00

Problem with Table UPDATE based on the sum of another table

Greetings to all of the forum! As everyone who starts learning MySQL, we come across relatively simple problems that we can not solve. I created the INFO_PACOTES table that stores packet information that travels on my network. The files ar...
asked by 06.05.2017 / 22:39

Date field update in string format

Personal I took an old bank from a client where it has a birth date column that is in the string format and does not date. So far so good so that there are certain dates recorded that do not have 0 in the month or the day when smaller than 10. I...
asked by 13.02.2017 / 16:54

How to do an update with a join?

Hello, I'm new to the forum and need help with PostgreSQL DBMS. My question is the following, in the following code used in the MySQL DBMS the execution happens perfectly, because in PostgreSQL it shows an error. MySQL Code: UPDATE user...
asked by 25.03.2016 / 23:59

SQL update query syntax error

When I run the following update query, a syntax error occurs before or within from: UPDATE Artigos SET totale = entradas.sent FROM Artigos INNER JOIN (SELECT cod_artigo, Sum([quantidade_ent]) AS sent FROM entradas GROUP BY cod_artigo) ON Arti...
asked by 07.07.2016 / 17:38

JPAUpdateClause with Join

I have the following entities: @Entity @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @Table(schema = "MYDB", name = "TB_TESTE") public class Teste implements Serializable { @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name = "CO_TIPO_TESTE") private TipoTeste tbT...
asked by 28.07.2016 / 19:40

How to do a DLC type update, with unity

Hello I would like to know if it is possible to create an update for a game (IOS / Android) type DLC, that is, the user will have the option to include this extension to their current game. I have tested with AssetsBundle, more from what I re...
asked by 16.05.2016 / 21:25