Questions tagged as 'spring'


Can not pass a null GrantedAuthority collection Spring Security

I'm developing a web application with Spring Boot, and I'm trying to implement authentication using spring security. I'm following the Michelli tutorial, but I have the following error: ButIalreadyregisteredtheuserandassignRoletohim,usingmysq...
asked by 04.06.2018 / 17:07

Execution does not find 'org.junit.Assert' even though JUnit jar is in classpath

I have a problem that I have researched a lot and still have not found the answer. I have a test case that I'm trying to run and send a message to the console. But even with JUnit jars, he accuses them as if he did not find them. I'm having a ma...
asked by 01.07.2016 / 01:08

StackOverflow in bidirectional relationship in JPA

I am facing this problem with a bidirectional relationship, when I put a question in question to create an answer it does the persistence, until then beauty, but if I try to get a get or even in the API response points me an http 500, I discover...
asked by 08.06.2016 / 13:38

Hide screen options if user is not allowed

I'm having a difficulty in a web application I'm creating here, I'm using spring security to do access control, session and login, with backend java with restful and frontend with primefaces . I would like to know if y...
asked by 28.04.2016 / 15:56

Doubt regarding JPA management with Spring on JEE server

I'm starting in Spring MVC and in the book I'm reading the configuration and management of connections is all done by Spring, that is, Spring opens and manages the connections with the bank and makes this available as if I had a JEE server (% wi...
asked by 13.12.2015 / 23:54

em.createNativeQuery executes first than em.persist and now?

I'm developing an application with Hibernate + Spring mv. spring takes care of EntityManager dependency for my DAO, however I have the following problem. I persist an object called User After I run createNativeQuery with "insert into table...
asked by 08.04.2015 / 06:28

Open modal with JavaScript to select certificate and send to server

When we enter the eCAC - Virtual Service Center page and click on Digital Certificate on the right side of the screen opens a modal to select a certain certificate that we configure in the system (this if there are certificate (s) in the confi...
asked by 06.11.2015 / 19:48

@Autowired bean in Filter

I'm trying to inject a bean into a filter but with no success, it always gets null causing error. Below is the code for bean : @Named @Scope("session") public class LoginBean { filter : @Component("filtroAutenticacao") publi...
asked by 15.02.2015 / 03:00

I can not access a form page

I'm doing a Spring Alura course, but I can not access a form page via the link link. It gives the following error:    HTTP Status 404 - Not Found   Type Status Report       Message /casadocode/products/WEB-INF/views/products/form.jsp     ...
asked by 20.06.2018 / 19:22

Java Spring Boot - Read a file from the Resources folder inside a .jar

I am writing a class that will read an ETL Pentaho Kettle (transformation). I put the file that the class will read in the Resources / KTR folder. But when I try to run the code as a java (java -jar) application, I get an error saying that th...
asked by 28.08.2018 / 14:12