Questions tagged as 'spring-mvc'


Failed to use search field by Spring MVC and JpaRepository

Good afternoon. I'm working on Repository and Spring MVC. I have an interface, StoreDAO that looks like this. public interface StoreOrderDAO extends JpaRepository<StoreOrder, String>{ List<StoreOrder> findByUser_id(String user_id)...
asked by 11.03.2015 / 20:33

Spring MVC error in performing binding of checkboxes in a list of objects

I have the following code snippet in my .jsp , in which the purpose is to dynamically list a passenger list per customer. <f:form id="service-item-form" action="${action}" modelAttribute="serviceItem" method="post"> <ul id="l...
asked by 20.11.2015 / 14:26

My application does not start in Spring-Tools Suite

I created a maven project in the Spring-Tools Suite when I started to see this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to read Class-Path attribute from manifest of jar file:/C:/Users/Manoel/.m2/repository/xml...
asked by 03.02.2017 / 15:02

What's the difference in using ModelAndView and ResponseEntity?

I came across these two classes, I found their function well the same. What are the differences between them and when is the time to use a specific one?     
asked by 17.01.2018 / 18:28

Thymeleaf can not find resources

I am creating a project with Springboot and Thymeleaf . I have set up the whole project, found the template and the pages, so my template can not find the css and js Html <link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.m...
asked by 19.12.2016 / 00:22

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 10; columnNumber: 24; Attribute "singleton" must be declared for element type "bean"

I am updating an (old) project for newer libraries, like Spring (from version 3.2.4.FINAL to version 4.3.11.FINAL). One of the errors that appears in Tomcat 6 is: org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Config...
asked by 17.11.2016 / 14:23

I can not save to the database in a Spring MVC project

I'm going to explain the project because I believe that most people usually create the projects using XML, and I created the Spring MVC project by dismissing the files that configure the project as XML. The problem with my project is that I c...
asked by 21.10.2015 / 03:19

Error 403 forbidden when consuming webservice CEP

I'm trying to consume a webservice from ceps but it always returns me 403 and it's public. WebService Test Running: link My Controller @Controller @RequestMapping("/busca-cep") public class BuscaCEPController { private stat...
asked by 16.11.2015 / 17:09

How to use MySQL view's with Spring Data and eclipselink

In the development of my project I came across a select that will require a lot of application performance, since it consists in the use of two join's. Soon I came to mind creating a view in MySQL, but the problem is that I never used it consume...
asked by 19.11.2014 / 20:32

I can not search the repository with Nhibernate C #

I'm new as a programmer, sorry if I can not explain clearly, but please tell me what I did wrong and if possible how to do better, I want to improve as a programmer and user here in StackOverflow I'm trying to create a criteria to be able to fet...
asked by 25.11.2018 / 02:13