Questions tagged as 'spring-mvc'


Is it possible to use Tiles inside SpringMVC tags?

Hello, I'm creating a generic form so that I can parameterize some attributes. I want to do the following: <sf:form cssClass="form" modelAttribute="<tiles:getAsString name="modelAttribute"/>" action="<tiles:getAsString name="action...
asked by 12.11.2015 / 02:35

Spring MVC and Ajax

I'm developing a web app in java using the Spring MVC framework. However, a part of the project has broken out! First I'll show the print on the screen to make it easier to understand. Image: WhatIwanttodois:whentheuserselectsthecompany,th...
asked by 29.05.2015 / 15:50

Junit with spring Autowired

I have a big problem that in my GenericService I use an @Autowired in an HttpServletRequest (Even though I do not know the utility, therefore, I do not know the architecture so well), and I needed to use unit test for test battery in my services...
asked by 26.08.2014 / 14:02

How to bind a Checkbox to an Object List in Spring MVC

Next, I have a question about handling a Checkboxes list. I have a list of objects that are the Courses, and I would like this list to be linked to a 'List' of another class as follows: You are in the JSP <ul><form:checkboxes ele...
asked by 11.03.2014 / 20:02

Conflict between Spring MVC and PrimeFaces

I have a problem integrating Spring MVC with PrimeFaces. It seems to give a conflict between them. Has the configuration in web.xml <servlet> <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>javax.fa...
asked by 26.11.2014 / 22:43

Receiving object by parameter

I'm using Spring MVC and I use some mappings to receive an object for example and access that specific object in controller . For example: @GetMapping("/pessoa/{idPessoa}") public ModelAndView editaPessoa(@PathVariable("idPesso...
asked by 13.12.2018 / 20:06

Permissions Spring Security

I'm having problems with user permissions using Spring Security. Signing the user assigns him the permission that is due to him, however when accessing the system the option in the menu that the user would have access does not appear. Here's...
asked by 07.11.2018 / 18:30

How do I keep the same object between requests in Spring MVC?

I'm trying to add items to the same Request object dynamically, but I'm always instantiating a new Request. @GetMapping("/novo") public ModelAndView preSalvar(@ModelAttribute ("pedido") Pedido Pedido){ List<Produto> produtos= produto...
asked by 20.10.2018 / 23:27

Java Spring Boot - Read file inside .Jar

I'm doing a class that will read an ETL Pentaho Kettle (transformation), I put the file that the class will read in the Resources / KTR folder. But when I try to run the code as a java (java -jar) application, I get an error saying that the f...
asked by 27.08.2018 / 21:21

Passing JSP Objects with Hibernate

Expensive, I have the classes below. I'm having trouble creating a TreeResource, because in JSP I'm passing the parameters "Id Area" and "Description Tree", in the controller I'm getting an AreaArvoreClassification object (aac), which has...
asked by 08.06.2018 / 18:59