Questions tagged as 'spliterator'


How does Spliterator work in Java 8?

In Java 8 (which was released in March 2014), there is a new interface called Spliterator . It has a similar purpose to the Iterator , but it is designed to perform iterations in parallel . However, even after reading a lot about this inter...
asked by 16.12.2013 / 05:30

What is the EmptyIterator class for?

In the PHP documentation, there is a class called EmptyIterator When I look at the documentation for the EmptyIterator::rewind() method, it says:    No operation, nothing to do. (No operation, nothing to do) And the...
asked by 03.06.2015 / 13:34

What is the Traversable interface used in PHP?

In the PHP Manual we can see that some classes that can be iterated with foreach implement an interface called Traversable . For example, the class DatePeriod Then, when I have implement an interface object with Tr...
asked by 04.02.2016 / 14:30

Use split and replace array key?

By using the split function in a string obviously the keys will be enumerated from 0 to ... but I would like to choose what the key should be, using just one of the words that will be in the string, example to help simplify : $string =...
asked by 16.12.2016 / 21:50