In Java 8 (which was released in March 2014), there is a new interface called Spliterator . It has a similar purpose to the Iterator , but it is designed to perform iterations in parallel .
However, even after reading a lot about this inter...
In the PHP documentation, there is a class called EmptyIterator
When I look at the documentation for the EmptyIterator::rewind() method, it says:
No operation, nothing to do. (No operation, nothing to do)
And the...
In the PHP Manual we can see that some classes that can be iterated with foreach implement an interface called Traversable .
For example, the class DatePeriod
Then, when I have implement an interface object with Tr...
By using the split function in a string obviously the keys will be enumerated from 0 to ... but I would like to choose what the key should be, using just one of the words that will be in the string, example to help simplify :
$string =...