Questions tagged as 'sintaxe'


What is the world-wide accepted standard in programming languages?

In Portuguese language in Brazil we use ABNT if we want to elaborate a highly correct and precise text in the face of the norms, and to make sense of the words we use dialectics. In MySQL I know we use the SQL-99 / ANSI-99 compliance standard...
asked by 01.02.2018 / 15:30

Is this a property, class attribute or what?

I have this in my code: public ICommand ChangePositionCommand => new Command((obj) => { _positionIndex++; if (_positionIndex >= Positions.Count) _positionIndex = 0; Position...
asked by 28.12.2017 / 15:49

Differences between syntaxes of namespaces [closed]

I know two ways to declare a namespace: // Comum namespace Example\Class\Method; class ExampleClass {...} // Outro, similar a sintaxe C# (classe dentro do namespace) namespace Example\Class\Method { class ExampleClass {...} } Is there...
asked by 29.06.2016 / 17:10

How to tell if an NSArray is empty (or null) using IF

I need to know if an NSArray is empty or null using an if. Code: NSArray* array; if( array == nil) { // Fazer algo }     
asked by 08.09.2014 / 02:58

Is there any free algorithm to check for C # syntax?

I am creating a small text editor that has C # code. Is there any way from within the program itself, regardless, to check if the syntax is correct? Note: I'm not using C # to do the text editor. I'm just after a syntax algorithm. It can be i...
asked by 24.12.2015 / 15:09

What is the # in the language Lua?

I'm watching this tutorial about creating a game and I came across something I did not understand about it of the language Lua. There is an excerpt of the code where the following expression exists: ents.objects[#ents.objects] What doe...
asked by 08.12.2015 / 18:25

PostgreSQL syntax error using keys

I'm having trouble understanding why pgadmin is pointing to a syntax error in my query . select first_name, coalesce(to_char(avg(p.amount),'99.99'), 'nnn') valor_medio from { select c.first_name as nome_cliente, c.last_name...
asked by 22.12.2015 / 14:35

Differences between array declarations

What's the difference between declaring an array like this: 'C# string MinhaMatriz[] = [] 'VB Dim MinhaMatriz() As String = { } and so: 'C# string[] MinhaMatriz = [] 'VB Dim MinhaMatriz As String() = { } or so: 'C# System.A...
asked by 26.06.2015 / 23:09

Concatenate columns and some with NULL value

I'm doing a select and concatenating the columns, when a column has value NULL (has no value) the entire line gets NULL follows an example: select 'teste'||CONTROLE||','||CODIGO||','||DATA||','||HISTORICO from tabela The res...
asked by 13.08.2015 / 15:47

Use or not block definition in simple "if" influences application performance?

Some questions arise that do not change the flow of decisions, but may influence application performance by the amount of extra lines depending on how you program. I like to keep my code as lean as possible, but when it comes to keeping organ...
asked by 27.07.2018 / 14:28