Questions tagged as 'sharedpreferences'


onClick event with Android Preferences

I have some preferences within the PreferenceScreen in the xml/preferences.xml file. These are some items I need to show to the user. See below: <Preference android:key="pref_key_info" android:title="@string/info" />...
asked by 27.03.2017 / 18:50

How do I maintain and display CountDown when I quit the app?

I'm building an application to run tasks every hour, and I want to show countdown. But when I exit the application, upon returning, the count resumes. I need you to return to the app, the count is continuing. Can anyone help me?     
asked by 26.03.2017 / 15:29

Save content on the phone itself

I'm doing an application, where I have a list of questions, and if the user quits the application or the screen, I would like to save the questions that he has already answered, by when he re-access that form, the questions will be saved in memo...
asked by 22.12.2016 / 14:41

Where do I find records like login and password stored in the xml that SharedPreference does?

I wanted to find the file path, because I want to confirm that my function has encrypted this data.     
asked by 03.01.2017 / 04:33

Can I use JSON to save ArrayLists to Shared Preferences?

I'm developing an application in a college project and I'm creating the control part, I will not mess with the server part for now because I do not know much about it. I am creating functions to generate some Arrays with the items of m...
asked by 28.10.2016 / 22:18

How to get a return item from a json encode

I would like to know how to store each separate item so that I can then use it in a sharedpreferences . There is this class in my program .... public class Tab { private String UC; private String Instalacao; private Stri...
asked by 13.04.2016 / 15:15

Pass data between Android Activity [duplicate]

I'm new to programming for android, and I just made my first app, but I'm having a problem, which is: My game has the start menu with the button to start the game and information about the high score. Starting the game goes to a second s...
asked by 28.02.2016 / 01:33

Conditional to change activity

Hello, I have a problem, I want to create a conditional on an activity, inside a button, to open another activity in my app.    But how would that conditional be? My app has buttons in the main activity that leads to other activityies. On...
asked by 01.10.2015 / 22:24

Preferences created in Android Studio with connection to Firebase are not persisting

We've just started to develop an application. We chose to connect to the Firebase database using an email user and password. Normally login and create new users, however, my Preferences class is not saved, and every time I close the application,...
asked by 08.07.2018 / 21:16

Spinner with SharedPreferences

Good evening. I'm trying to save the choice the user makes in Spinner in SharedPreferences, when he clicks OK, but I'm not getting it, can anyone help me? Then I want to redeem the choice made when it opens the application again and places it in...
asked by 11.04.2018 / 02:40