Questions tagged as 'scenebuilder'


Problem with JavaFx

I'm having trouble when I add a JFX button that is present in the Jfoenix library. When opening my FXML document, it directs right to the SceneBuilder, and within it, to use all the items contained in the Jfoenix library. But when I run my pr...
asked by 19.10.2017 / 15:38

JavaFX - locked screens

All JavaFX screens crash when the server is powered on. I tried to use a task but it does not seem to work. The program works even with the screens locked but I would like to be able to access the interface while the server is turned on. I...
asked by 19.05.2018 / 21:36

Error trying to run scene

I made a Scene Builder screen, but when I compile in JavaFX does this error help me? ant -f C:\Users\gusta\Desktop\TccProject\LoginJAVAFXML jfxsa-run init: Deleting: C:\Users\gusta\Desktop\TccProject\LoginJAVAFXML\build\built-jar.propertie...
asked by 13.05.2018 / 00:57

How to implement the close button event on a screen?

When I create a screen in the Scene Builder in JavaFX, three buttons in the upper corner of the screen are as default: minimize , maximize , and close . My question How can I manipulate and implement the click event of the close (X)...
asked by 22.06.2016 / 19:39

How to call another screen via MenuItem

I'm trying to call another screen (include) through a MenuItem, but it's not working. At first, I can call my Login screen through, then I can also log in and call the Menu screen with a button. I think the MenuItem method is dif...
asked by 26.02.2018 / 17:44

What is the best type of field? TextField, slider, ...? For value above 0.1?

I made this layout as an example of a problem I'm having in creating a system, well, in the first value field ( TextField ) I can not let the user enter the value zero, only 0.1 will be allowed up , how do I resolve this? I wanted only...
asked by 28.06.2017 / 02:12

How to make the program change the scene based on the action of a button in JavaFX with Scene Builder?

Hello everyone. I am trying to create a game in which the first window displays 2 buttons. One must activate 1 player mode and another 2 player mode. When one of the modes is selected, I want to close this scene and open another one, but so far...
asked by 16.04.2017 / 18:53

Get text from scene builder to create account screen

How do I get text from the FXML file? FXML file field: <TextField fx:id="usernameSU" GridPane.columnIndex="1" /> Controller file: public class signUpController implements Initializable { @FXML private TextField usernameSU;...
asked by 27.05.2017 / 19:12

How to implement the close button event on a screen?

When I create a screen in the Scene Builder in JavaFX, three buttons in the upper corner of the screen are as default: minimize , maximize , and close . My question How can I manipulate and implement the click event of the close (X)...
asked by 22.06.2016 / 19:39

Fill label automatically when stage opens - JavaFX

I need a label to receive text automatically as soon as stage is started, without having to click a button. Because different texts are saved in a database, they need to be loaded into the label when stage starts. Is ther...
asked by 25.11.2017 / 19:50